ABC Best Pet Social Distancing Picture Contest – submissions 11 to 21!

Thank you all for your patience. Here are submissions #11 to 21! What a great batch this was We’ve got poems, pets wearing masks, memes and pets to be blamed for typos!! Mabel the dog also has a special trick we’re going to share on our FB and IG pages. Thank you all for these excellent pictures and inspiration. We hope you enjoy seeing all our pets working on their social distancing game!

Submission #11

Cleo (the dog) and Piper (the cat) practicing social distancing during the pandemic.

Submission # 12

A poem by Pearl, Social Distancing Advocate

During this crazy time, we should do our part,

So please think twice when you fill your cart,

Think of your neighbors who are truly in need,

Because times are tough, but it could be worst indeed,

Practicing Social Distancing is really smart,

So remember to wear your mask and stand six feet apart

We hope everyone is safe and healthy! Thank you!

Submission # 13:

Dear ABC,

We’ve loved you for years and still love you. Here is our contest entry: Our cat, Zuzu. (When you saw her, right after we adopted her, we were thinking of naming her “Olive,” which is the name you have in your files, but right after that visit we decided to officially name her Zuzu–after Zuzu’s petals in It’s a Wonderful Life. She’s now 8 months old and healthy and eating a lot!)

In this photo, Zuzu is doing her part as I work from home. Not until I started working form home did she discover this “under the computer stand” hiding place, and she’s been there every day while I work since (when she isn’t asking to play).

Thank you for having this contest!

Submission # 14

Phineas (left) and Cheeto (right) Lind have been working on their model poses during quarantine. Cheeto really knows how to work the camera!

Submission # 15

We call her Thingy now, because she is so calm it’s preternatural.

Submission # 16

Angel. This is him social distancing under some bed sheets.

Submission # 17

Yogi was turned into a meme!

Submission # 18

Mabel, a blue heeler rescue, is dreaming of better days at the dog park with all of her four-legged friends in the East Village.



*Mabels mom also submitted an amazing video which will be posted on our social media pages!

Submission # 19

Buster is a sweetheart, but he likes to feign annoyance with that brow! He wants us to think he hates us being home all the time — couldn’t be further from the truth!

We adopted Buster from a Craigslist ad. He’s been passed around a few homes in his life but we can confidently say this will be his last! He’s funny, personable, easily angered, and a talker — the best quarantine entertainment one can ask for!

Submission # 20

I’m blaming my typos on my cat.

Submission 21

Chomba, #catsofnyc #catslovequarantine #chombacat #royalchomba

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